Canadian Pharmacy is developing a range of products across multiple therapeutic areas based on its nanoparticle-based technology. The most advanced product opportunities are in oncology.
The emerging field of nanopharmaceuticals has the potential to revolutionize drug therapy and become one of the most important advancements in technology over the next decade. Intelligently engineered drugs utilizing nanotechnology have the potential for significantly improved properties, including efficacy and safety.
Nanopharmaceuticals consist of ultra-small particles measured in nanometers (a nanometer is one billionth of a meter). These particles can be designed to target diseased tissues, to control the release of therapeutic concentrations over a prolonged period of time, and to enable alternative routes of administration.
The Nanocell Solution
The pharmacy utilizes its proprietary Nanocell technology to develop multi-compartmental, nanoparticle-based therapeutics in which two drugs with varied release rates are packaged within a single nanoparticle. This approach allows for sequential delivery of the drugs, optimizing the location, rate of release, and synergistic effect of the two therapies while minimizing toxicities.