Viagra is a treatment for erectile dysfunction and used by men worldwide. Generic Viagra is made with the same active ingredients as Viagra but the generic brand is sold under its chemical or trade name. The generic name of Viagra must have the same medical effect as the brand name, while the purity and strength of the generic brand is strictly regulated.

Generic Viagra provides the same rate of absorption as the brand name. The difference between the brand and generic names is the brand name is under patent protection and the generic equivalent only has to contain the active ingredients and not inactive ingredients that fall under patent protection.

One of the benefits of using generic Viagra is the cost. Brand name Viagra is more costly than the generic brand is the selling price is based on the cost of research and development including the cost of advertising when the product launched.

Generic Viagra is based on the chemical properties that have already been researched and advertised, making the cost of the generic brand incredibly less expensive. Vendors have the ability to sell the generic brand at a much lower cost than the brand name and still make a dent profit.

Generic Viagra in Canada is made by the same pharmaceutical companies that make the brand name Viagra and pharmaceutical companies that only make generic brand medications. It does not matter if the manufacturer is making brand or generic name Viagra the process and product must meet the same rigid WHO (World Health Organization), FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and GMP (good manufacturing practices) approval.

Brand name Viagra is a blue diamond shaped pill, but some generic Viagra pills are in available in different shapes and colors.

It is important to purchase generic Viagra from a reputable vendor. There are less than reputable vendors who will sell a product that will not meet the necessary requirements and will not contain the same active ingredients as the original. Fake generic Viagra is often filled with low cost ingredients that do not meet any level of standard and do not promote erectile dysfunction treatment.